- India’s Beauty Parlours & Equipments Directory$35Includes the listings of beauty parlors, clinics, manufacturers, suppliers of beauty & slimming equipment etc.
- India’s Cosmetics Directory$45Includes the listings of cosmetics manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, distributors, importers, exporters etc.
- India’s Cosmetics, Beauty and Herbal Products Directory$80Over 201,000 listings including addresses, phone nos., fax nos., emails, websites of Manufacturers, Suppliers, Dealers, Distributors, Purchasers, Indentors, Importers, Exporters, C&F Agents, Marketing Companies providing Cosmetics Beauty Products, Ayurveda, Homoeopathic & Unani Medicines and Herbal Products, Raw Materials, Laboratory Chemicals, Herbs, Perfumes, Fragrances, Cosmetic Certified Colours, Surfactants, Humectants, Anti-dandruff and Anti-Aging Products Preservatives, Essential Oils Products and other Natural Products.
- India’s Herbs & Herbal Products Directory$40Includes the listings of herbs manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, distributors, importers, exporters etc.
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